
Welcome, readers, to my blog!  It is my goal to post regularly here of places that I've been, people that I've photographed, doodles that I've drawn, and whatever random thoughts that may pop into my head.  I'm a big otaku, so don't be surprised should posts about nerdy subjects concerning manga and anime and the like show up.

Also, in case it piqued your curiosity, I named this blog somewhat similarly to one of my favorite movie series of all time, Indiana Jones, which I happen to have playing on the tele right now (The Last Crusade).  And since I was born and raised in California, it was only natural that it make it into the title.  And not quite as influential in my title choice, but enough to give it a proper nudge is the song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dani California~

My hobbies include drawing (been at it for as long as I can remember), photography (relatively new hobby, but I love it), manga (if I get hooked on a new series, I can read it nonstop, which scares me sometimes), cosplay (I'm a noob, but I've got some friends that are pretty darned awesome at it~), and travelling (though, admittedly, I don't do nearly as much of it as I'd like).

And one of my main objectives in starting this blog is to practice my travel writing.  Some time ago, I checked out a book from the nearby library dedicated to this fine art, filled to the brim with peoples' accounts of their various journeys across foreign landscapes, meeting characters of all sorts.  In an almost trance-like state, I riffled through its pages, fascinated by the tales of wonder, boundlessness, isolation, and discovery.  In fact, it had made me wish I could tell stories of my travels and experiences with such vigor and eloquence.  Truth be told, I would be happy to even just remember these events with such vivid detail, as those who know me well would be able to tell you, I have a terrible memory, constantly forgetting things that I should be able to remember.

So please, look forward to it~

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