Monday, September 3, 2012

Blue Moon

So, the other night, I went out to the local pier to take photos of the blue moon.  Yeah yeah, I know its not actually blue, and that its just a term to refer to a rare second full moon within the same month, but what a magical idea, right?   To go along with this fantasy, delusion, whatever you may choose to call it, I tinted the photo blue in post~  And voila, there's your blue moon~~

I kind of wish I had a longer focal length lens to capture it...

And I'll say it again, I love footprints as subject matter.  Though, even with my ultra wide angle lens, it was tough to get both it and the full moon within the same shot.  Its a shame, too, that the moon wasn't closer to the horizon.  I'd have loved to shoot it with a longer lens to get the moon much larger in the frame.  Oh well, thats why there's always a next time, right?

And this last one is just a photo of the pier that I really happened to like.  You see, I don't usually go to the beach at night even though its not far at all, and the glow of the lamps combined with the subtle mist from the sea creates an ethereal quality that is hard to resist~

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